Troi Ilsley

Professional background: User Experience Designer, Isobar

Course taken: UX/UI Design Transform

For Troi, deciding to study criminology was initially sparked by her interest to help others. However, the traditional university route seemed to be bogged down by old processes and outdated ways of thinking. Troi believed there was something missing and decided to look for other ways to help people beyond traditional pathways.

Through Talent Rise, Troi received a scholarship in UX at Academy Xi. Humorously, her colleague saw Troi’s sketches and thought she would be a good candidate for UX, mistaking Graphic Design for User Experience Design. However, Troi’s experience with community building and design were a perfect mix for UX.

Since completing the UX Transform course in early 2018, Troi is now a UX Designer at Isobar.

What were you doing before Academy Xi?

Before the UX course, I was studying, working in hospitality, and volunteering as an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth mentor.

What are you doing now?

I am currently pursuing my UX career at a global digital agency called Isobar.

What would you say to someone considering taking the UX: Transform course?

For me, Academy Xi assisted in kick-starting my UX career by teaching me the relevant UX skills to build my portfolio. With Xi’s guidance, I was taught how to properly showcase my projects and how to incorporate storytelling into my work. With fears about my age and lack of industry experience, Academy Xi gave me valuable career advice which helped me gain the confidence to be myself during the interview process. With that said, the hard work and the guidance from Academy Xi is what helped me land my job at Isobar.

I recommend the UX Transform course to anyone who wants to learn or pursue a career in User Experience Design. I had no prior experience in the industry and Academy Xi equipped me with the UX skills, knowledge and confidence to become a UX Designer.

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