Professional background: UX Chapter Lead at Endeavour Group


I am responsible for the growth and scale of our UX Design & Research capability within a larger practice of Design & Optimisation at EndeavourX – the digital innovation and transformation arm of Endeavour Group. We work in Agile Tribal Model across multiple programs of work, across multiple brands and operating models.

I see my role as a coach and guide, working with designers towards their mastery, arming and empowering them will the skills and mindset to help our people and teams transform our business. I am passionate about co-creating healthy and safe environments for our people and teams to thrive, and bringing joy and fun to our work!

What’s your motivation for becoming a DiR?

I believe sharing our knowledge and experiences only helps us learn more about ourselves. I have been the benefactor of much mentorship and coaching on my journey, so it’s time to give back!

What are your hobbies and interests?

Anything that brings me together with friends and family, travelling, exploring new places and spaces, taking walks with my partner and our fur baby Floyd, beach days, swimming in the ocean and of course, I love learning something new.