Professional background: Principal Consultant at NTT

I’ve worked on a wide range of Federal Government projects – always aiming to make it easier for people to interact with their services. These projects are usually complex, but they can make a real difference in peoples’ lives.

I’ve been a guest speaker at the Digital Transformation Agency’s Digital Summit 2020 and at the former Department of Immigration and Border Protection’s World Usability Day conference. I’ve also taught service management and service design at the University of Canberra.

What’s your motivation for becoming a DiR?

The world is always going to need good designers to help solve our complex problems. The DiR program is an excellent opportunity to support up-and-coming designers to grow their skills and start making an impact!

What are your hobbies and interests?

Board games, comic books and history podcasts.

One book or movie you’d recommend to read or watch to all your mentees?

Content Design by Sarah Richards